We allow you to preview your apps as you build them online or from your Android device.
Our easy to use content manage system allows for beautiful app designs without any programming knowlege needed.
Our servers are hosted in the cloud using the latest hosting technology with 99.9% uptime for your apps.
OGIAppBuilder allows you to create native apps for Android, as well as mobile websites.
Customize every pixel inside your mobile apps within minutes using our pre-built designs or create your own.
OGIAppBuilder is more affordable than a newspaper ad and shows a huge return on investment for businesses.
OGIAppBuilder is making mobile apps affordable and simple for small businesses.
We're a do-it-yourself Android & HTML5 app platform that allows any small business to simultaneously create, edit, and manage mobile apps and mobile websites online without any programming knowledge needed.
Copyright ©2015 OGIAppBuilder - Mobile apps & mobile websites for small businesses